Let Us Go Through ABCs of A/B Testing of Websites

Let Us Go Through ABCs of A/B Testing of Websites

Online business or the brick-n-mortar stores has website. You already have an existing website delivering modest traffic and you want to find what if I changed my website or some elements of website? Will it impact traffic to my website or the conversion rate? And if yes then how? Will the traffic/conversion rate be more than current rate or less? To find out these answers, there is a very simple method followed, some call it scientific but there is not much science involved in it. Consider an example, in case of child, a mother knows that her child likes sandwich. Every day she packs his lunchbox with two Jam & Cheese sandwich, now she want to know, what if she packs Vegetable sandwich. Will her child eat? So as they say, mother knows it all, she packs lunchbox with one Jam & Cheese S/W and one Vegetable S/W. When the child returns back home, if she finds Vegetable S/W left in the box, she will come to know that only Jam Cheese is preferred and not vegetables. This same methodology or the experiment is applied to large number of children, to find out the eating preferences of particular age of children. This method is used widely in Marketing as depending on the results, marketing campaigns are formulated and even redesigned. Coming back to Website, same sandwich concept is applied and it is called as A/B Testing. Statistician call it “Hypothesis Testing” …but let us stick to our “Sandwich Testing”. Thus the aim of A/B testing is same for website to find out what will be the outcome, if I...