Digital Marketing Services

Digital Strategy
Our years of experience guides us which strategy will work for which industry. So, using a collaborative approach, we build a complete digital marketing strategy suited to each and every brand. It helps them in differentiating themselves from their competitors and leveraging the power digital media to grow faster.
Do you want to grow faster than your competitors? Then, working on a PPC campaign is the D-thing. Read all the case studies to understand the power of it. In most of the cases, it gives ROI of more than 100%. We can assure you of the most versatile PPC advertising management for your brand promotion.
Search Engine Optimization
Our SEO tips and tricks have helped brands attract millions of monthly visitors. Thanks to our SEO experts who know every bit of on-page and off-page optimization, and how to keep them updated. The SEO campaigns can turn your business into a lead generating and revenue making programs.
Brand Communication
Trust brings money. If your brand name does not communicate trust, you cannot sell it. That is where our branding strategy comes into picture. Our proven ways of telling brand stories to your targeted audience makes us a complete digital marketing solution for every business. We make your “brand” count with our interactive brand Communication.
Social Media Marketing
If search engine marketing is finding targeted audience, then social media marketing is all about brand building and awareness. And a perfect combination of both will help your products stand out. Our years of experience in Facebook, Twitter and Pinterest marketing will increase conversions and reduce cost of your digital marketing campaigns.
People do business they are familiar with. Even a great product from great companies needs at-least 4-5 touch points before consumers make their final decision. That way, Remarketing is a great way to find your targeted customers again, and telling them why doing business with you is going to be awesome! You will easily increase conversions by 3-4 times.
Success Stories
How Digital Marketing has helped these brands and how it can help your business too…
Increased Conversions And Sales
Precise targeting of digital marketing campaigns gets hot prospects at right time, so they convert better
Decreased Overall Marketing Cost
Thanks to the way digital marketing campaign works, so you can easily calculate the ROI of every rupee spent
Built A Brand People Love
Started few years back, they are now national brands people love shopping on

Blog Posts
Read our awesome content everyday and grow with us…
It takes Two to Tango -Content Marketing and SEO
There has been a divided thought process going on that SEO and Content Marketing are totally different. This has been creating confusion in the minds of many people. But many marketer have realised and has even mentioned in their posts on the internet that, SEO and Content Marketing goes together. They are not separate, true that there is some disconnect between them, but there are ways to connect both the marketing efforts to get the maximum ROI. Firstly, How SEO and Content Marketing are different? While We all know that B2B and B2C initialize their research by searching online. So it is crucial that your content reaches to the right audience for which it has been created. Simply writing content and posting it any way will fail you in reaching to the right people or the target audience. For this purpose, SEO comes to the rescue. With SEO technology and Content marketing working together, can make content reach to the right people at right time in right form. It is the fusion of technology and creativity. SEO will perform as distributor and optimize the creatively created content for marketing. The access to content stays for a very long time in comparison to other campaigns or ads. We can say that it is effective for a long period of time and is not with short span of life. In order to ensure that the purpose is met, SEO techniques are applied to optimize the content and it reaches to the right audience. Content Marketing is implemented by most of the businesses nowadays, large volumes of content is created, used and... read moreLet Us Go Through ABCs of A/B Testing of Websites
Online business or the brick-n-mortar stores has website. You already have an existing website delivering modest traffic and you want to find what if I changed my website or some elements of website? Will it impact traffic to my website or the conversion rate? And if yes then how? Will the traffic/conversion rate be more than current rate or less? To find out these answers, there is a very simple method followed, some call it scientific but there is not much science involved in it. Consider an example, in case of child, a mother knows that her child likes sandwich. Every day she packs his lunchbox with two Jam & Cheese sandwich, now she want to know, what if she packs Vegetable sandwich. Will her child eat? So as they say, mother knows it all, she packs lunchbox with one Jam & Cheese S/W and one Vegetable S/W. When the child returns back home, if she finds Vegetable S/W left in the box, she will come to know that only Jam Cheese is preferred and not vegetables. This same methodology or the experiment is applied to large number of children, to find out the eating preferences of particular age of children. This method is used widely in Marketing as depending on the results, marketing campaigns are formulated and even redesigned. Coming back to Website, same sandwich concept is applied and it is called as A/B Testing. Statistician call it “Hypothesis Testing” …but let us stick to our “Sandwich Testing”. Thus the aim of A/B testing is same for website to find out what will be the outcome, if I... read moreWhat is Social Media Analytics? How does it help your business?
Social Media Analytics is the method of collecting information (data) from the social media sites like Facebook, Twitter, LinkedIn and blogs etc. and then analysing that information to make better business decisions. Traditionally market surveys were used to be carried out intensively to draw out information from the market, but in the age of internet and virtual scenario, analytics plays an extremely critical role in taking important business decisions. For an e.g., your company launched a product a year back, but suddenly its sales have started dipping from a month. Now you want to know why…The information from the social media sites will give you the answer. Further, you come to know the main reason about sales dipping that your competitor launched a similar kind of product…so further you would like to know its features and popularity of that product among your customers. At this point of time, data gathered from the social media analytics will come in picture to draw out the above inferences because nowadays, every like, every post, every tweet contains useful information. For businesses, presence on FB, Twitter, and LinkedIn etc. is not limited to show existence of their business but to gather various kinds of data which can help in various functions. Businesses can use the information for various purposes and to achieve various goals. But for that, firstly, you need to define your business goals. Goals can be like for an example to find out whether your new product will increase your overall sales? In achieving that goal, data from the social media can help. They can be like feedback on a particular... read moreLet Us Get Started. Tell Us Your Requirements.